Using Propared to do Season Planning

Early planning for an upcoming season is complicated. Everything changes, and frequently! You can use Propared to season plan, even when you only have a vague sense how things will sort out in the end.

Laying out a Season can be a grueling ordeal. Even after all the decisions have been made, production will spend weeks building calendar upon calendar for shows, departments, venues, rehearsals, and so on. With a great set of industry-specific tools, we'll show you how Propared can drastically speed up the process.


  • Reduce redundant work by only entering the information once and then using it for multiple calendars.
  • Save gobs of time by setting up a template show and then cloning it for subsequent productions.
  • Empower the rest of your team by producing calendars that give viewers agency to look at only what they need to see.

Step 1: Build Your First Show

  • Create a Project in Propared to represent your first show, pick an awesome color, and begin populating the timeline.
  • Propared's flexibility means that you don't have to know everything right away. Start with big chunks like "Tech Week" or "Rehearsal Period". Toss in designer deadlines and due dates if you know them.
  • Plus, you can work with big chunks of your Timeline all at once using our Cloning and Shifting tools.

Step 2: Clone that Sucker

  • Once you have a good start to the show, head back to the Projects screen to create new productions by Cloning from Existing Projects.

Step 3: Share Your Season Calendar

  • Now, head on over to the Production Book Screen, and create a new Production Book.
  • Make sure you have "All Projects" selected and pick "Calendar" Layout. You can also play with Group-By "None", "By Location", or "By Project"
  • After you save it, click the link to open it and see the results! This is the URL you'll share with the rest of your team. What you see is what they'll see.
  • You'll notice across the top a set of search and filter tools allowing folks to get right to what's important to them.

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