Terminology and Definitions of Commonly Used Concepts in Propared

Propared Terminology & Definitions

This article contains explanations of common terms and concepts used throughout Propared.

Access Screen

Access is a tab screen within the Settings Screen.

The purpose of the screen is to grant editing permissions to other people.

Types of Access: Owner, Administrators and Project Managers

The number of managers you can designate is dependent on your Subscription Plan.

Active Project

Active Project is a state you designate for your Projects. In Propared, creating a new project or changing a Projects state to Active means that the Project will be visible, editable and shareable. 

Owners and Administrators can adjust the Active Project state from the Projects Screen.


An Administrator is a level of management access in Propared.

An Administrator can see and edit all Projects, create new Projects and assign Project Managers access to other users. They cannot make other users Administrators or access the Subscription and Billing screen.

The Attachments Screen

This is the screen where you will create Attachments from File Links, external websites, forms or other cloud hosted documents. You can include Attachments in Production Books.


Propared does not physically host files. Instead, it creates an 'Attachment'. This is an object that links to a File or Folder hosted somewhere else. By doing it this way, you can pull together files from multiple sources into Propared, and then share them through Production Books.

Archived Project

Archived Project is a state for your Projects.  In Propared, changing a Projects state to Archived means that the Project will be hidden from the Projects list, be un-editable, and Project Information will not be visible in any Public Webpages.  Archived Projects are not deleted and can be unarchived at anytime in the Project Screen.

Owners and Administrators can adjust the Archived Project state from the Projects Screen.

Availability Calendar

The Availability Calendar is an old concept that has been removed from the current version of Propared. Click here to see an article about how to better manage availability!


A Booking is a slot in the Crew Management section of an Event in the Timeline. Bookings can also be viewed and managed from the Crew Management Tab in the Timeline.


Calendar Feed

A Calendar Feed is a common URL type that, in Propared, allows someone to access Schedule Information. 

Calendar Feeds in Production Books: In Propared, a Calendar Feed is generated each time a new Production Book is created.  The Calendar Feed URL can be utilized to subscribe to Schedule Information in programs such as Personal Calendars  (i.e., Outlook, iCal, Google Calendar). Changes to the Timeline are reflected when the Personal Calendar applications refresh.

All About Calendar Subscription Feeds, How to Create, Share and Fix

Call Sheet

A Call Sheet is a deprecated concept in Propared that was previously used to communicate a combination of information about Work Calls, schedule information, contacts and attachments. This has been replaced with our updated Production Books!

Contact List

A Contact List is a deprecated concept in Propared that was previously used to communicate Contacts from the Project Team. This has been replaced with the Team section of the Production Books.


Contacts Screen

The Contacts Screen is where Propared stores all of your organization's Contacts.

You can Create or Import new Contacts and Edit existing Contacts. Contacts created in other parts of Propared will automatically be added here.


A Contact is a record of information pertaining to a Person, Organization, or Location. 

You can Create or Import new Contacts and Edit existing Contacts.

Contacts in Propared are used in the Team Screen and can be associated with Events in the Timeline.

Clone, Cloning

Cloning is the process of duplicating information in Propared.

Cloning Projects: In the Projects Screen, Projects may be cloned and then shifted in time to a new set of dates. The Project will include all Team Members, Events, and Reports that were in the original Project. Production Books are NOT cloned.

Cloning Events: In the Timeline Screen, one or more Events may be cloned.

Cloning Production Books: In the Production Book Screen, Production Books may be cloned.


A Conflict is an overlap between two different Bookings in the Crew Management section of the Timeline.

In Propared, Conflicts occur when the same Contact is scheduled in two or more Bookings that overlap.


.CSV File

.CSV (comma separated values) files are a common file format for spreadsheet applications such as Excel and Google Sheets.

In Propared, Contact and Schedule Information can be imported and downloaded using the .CVS file format.

Departments & Categories

Departments and Categories are Tags that allow you to classify various Events, Projects, and Attachments.

Departments and Categories in the Timeline:  Events may be tagged to one or more Departments and Categories in the Timeline. Departments and Categories are user defined and completely customizable. Departments and Categories can be used to Filter events in the Timeline, and be used to add Events to the Production Books.

Departments and Categories in the Production Book Screen: Departments and Categories are used to filter schedule information in Production Books.  These make up some of the Filter Settings that allow Schedules and Attachments to be dynamically updating.

Categories in the Projects Screen:  Categories may be used to organize Projects in the Projects Screen.

Categories and Departments in the Attachments Screen: Departments and Categories are used to filter schedule information in Production Books, as well as filter attachments in the attachments screen.

Departments in Reports: Departments are used to create groups of Notes in Reports.


Date & Time Formats

In Propared, you can change your default Date & Time formats in the Profile menu (accessed through the user Avatar in the upper right hand corner).  

 Draft Project

Draft Project is a state for your Projects. In Propared, changing a Projects state to Draft will cause any project information to no longer be visible in any Public Webpages. The project remains accessible and editable in the program by any Owners, Administrators or Project Managers that previously had access.

Owners and Administrators can adjust the Project State from the Projects Screen.


An event is any task, milestone, to-do, or phase within a Project. All events can be created and edited on the Project Timeline.

Events can have a variety of information recorded about them, including:

  • Name
  • Type
  • Date / Time
  • Location
  • Notes
  • Department Tags
  • Category Tags
  • Team Members
  • Status


Filtering is the process through which you narrow down search results using the details of your events or team.

You can find Filters in all screens.


Groups & Default Groups

A Group is a collection of Team Members within a Project for the purpose of organizing your Project Teams.

Groups in the Team Screen: One or more Groups may be assigned to any Team Member within a Project. Groups may be used to add multiple Team Members to a Event in the Timeline.  Groups may also be used as Distribution Lists when communicating with your Team.

Default Groups in the Contacts Screen: One or more Default Groups may be assigned to any Contact within the Contacts Screen.  These Groups will auto-fill anytime that Contact is added to a Project Team.  These can be edited or deleted in a Project Team without affecting the Default Groups. This is particularly useful for Contacts that are part of the same Groups on each Project.


Home Screen

The Home Screen is the first screen you'll see when you log into Propared.  It will show you a summary of Projects that have been recently edited.


Importing is the process of uploading Contacts or Events into Propared from a file (typically exported from another application).

In the Contacts Screen: Contacts may be imported from .CSV files.

In the Timeline Screen: Events may be imported from .CSV files.


Merge Contacts

Merging Contacts is the process of taking two duplicate Contacts and merging them into a single Contact.

In Propared, Contacts may be Merged in the Contacts Screen.


Owner is a level of access to a Propared Subscription. The Owner is the primary account holder and has the highest level of access.

Owners may grant management access to other Users by making them Administrators or Project Managers, or viewing access by making them Project Viewers.

The only difference between an Owner and an Administrator is the ability to manage the subscription plan and grant access to Administrators.

Each subscription can have only one Owner, but a single Propared User can be the Owner of multiple subscriptions.

Primary Email Address

Your Primary Email Address is the email address we use as the "reply-to" for emails you send out from within Propared. This can be updated in the Profile Menu accessed by the Avatar menu in the upper right corner.

Production Book Screen

The Production Book Screen is where you will create, edit and share Production Books.

Production Books

Production Books are the object through which you will share schedule information, contact lists, location lists and lists of attachments both internally, and with your cast, crew, designers, upper management, vendors, etc.

Each Production Book creates a shareable webpage.



Projects represent your shows and events. It's the container in which you will organize and manage all of the information related to that show or event. 


Project Manager (PM)

A Project Manager is a level of management access in Propared.

A Project Manager can see and edit Projects to which they’ve been assigned. PMs can view the entire Contacts list in the Portfolio to which the Project belongs. They can see and edit all existing entries in the Contacts list, but they cannot see the notes fields for Contacts, nor can they delete any Contacts (including ones they’ve added).

Project History

Project History is a list of Projects that a Contact has been a Team Member of.

A Contact's Project History may be viewed in the Contact Screen.


Project Start & End Date

Project Start & End Dates are Dates assigned to a Project in the Project Screen. They represent the beginning and ending of a Project.

Project Start & End Dates are added in the Projects Screen when creating or editing a Project.

When added, Propared creates an event in the Timeline that spans these dates.


Project Modified Date

The Project Modified Date represents the last date that a Project was edited by a user.

This date is visible in the Projects Screen

Project Timezone

The Project Timezone is the Timezone that a Project is happening in.

In Propared, the Timeline will display information in the Project Timezone. When creating new Events for that Project, any start or end times will be read in the Project Timezone.

The Project Timezone is selected in the Project Screen.


Projects Screen

The Project Screen is where you create new projects and access your past projects.

Public Webpage

A Public Webpage is a URL that when viewed displays the Production Book.  It can include Schedule Information, Team Members, Locations and/or Attachments

In Propared a Public Webpage is generated each time a new Production Book is created.  Public Webpages are viewable without a Propared Login. Each time a Public Webpage is refreshed, it displays the most up to date information.

Public Webpages may be sent using the Email feature in the Production Book Screen.



A Report is a type of Paperwork used to record details about a particular event. For example, a User would use this type of Paperwork to create:

  • Rehearsal Reports
  • Performance Reports
  • Venue / Site Surveys
  • Meeting Minutes
  • End of Day Reports
  • To-Do's / Action Items

It includes several types of Project information, all condensed into a single document, including:

  • Dates / Locations
  • Attendees / Roles
  • Schedule Notes
  • Department-specific Notes

Roles & Default Roles

A Role is the term used to identify the general duties or the position assigned to a Contact or Team Member. 

Roles in the Team Screen: One or more Roles may be assigned to any Team Member within a Project. Roles may also be assigned without an associated Team Member and may be used throughout the Timeline in place of that Team Member.

Default Roles in the Contacts Screen: One or more Default Roles may be assigned to any Contact within the Contacts Screen.  These Roles will autofill anytime that Contact is added to a Project Team.  These can be edited or deleted in a Project Team without affecting the Default Roles. This is particularly useful for Contacts that always serve the same Role on Projects.



The Settings screen can be accessed from the left hand navigation bar. Access

The Sidebar Panel is a menu feature available on the right-side of most screens within Propared. This is where you will create and edit the details that make up your Project, such as Events, Team Members, Attachments, Production Books and Reports.


Short Names for Projects

Short names are custom abbreviations you can set for a Project Name that will show on Calendars and Schedules you publish. This makes it easier to identify which project you are referencing. They are not required, and if no short name is created Propared will auto create one for you. They are updated in the Projects Screen.



Spaces are any area within a location that you might want to carve out to either be very specific about where something is happening or to create a schedule based on that location. So a Space might be the main stage, the loading dock, the lobby, rehearsal room one, the hallway, backstage left, etc. We designed Spaces to be very flexible, so you can make them anything you want.

Team Member

A Team Member is a Contact that has been added to a specific Project. Once added, they can be organized with Roles and Groups.

In Propared, Team Members are added to Projects in the Team Screen or the Timeline Screen (by adding them to an Event).

A Team Member may also be represented by a Role when a Contact has not yet been determined for that Role.


Team Screen

The Team Screen is where you organize and manage your Project Team Members.



The Timeline consists of a chronological list of all Events within a particular Project.


Timeline Screen

The Timeline Screen is where you create, organize and manage schedule and logistics information for your projects by creating Events.


User Accounts

A User Account is a unique email-based ID used to sign in to Propared, granting you access to any Projects or Subscriptions that you own or that have been shared with you.

User Menu

The User Menu is located in the upper right corner of the application, and displays your User Avatar (or possibly a photo). Clicking on your User Avatar will produce a menu where you can access the Profile, your access and your preferences, as well as change your password.


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