How to Add Multiple Email Addresses to Your Profile

This article will help you add additional emails to your profile.

How to Add Multiple Email's to Your Profile.

Adding additional email addresses can assist you in gaining access to projects, or allow you to log in with one email address (such as your personal email) and still gain access to projects shared with another email ( such as your work email). You can add as many email addresses as you want.

In order for projects to show up in your account you must have the email address that the projects were shared to in your Profile.

  1. Navigate to your Profile by selecting the Avatar in the upper right hand corner and selecting Profile
  2. In the Profile tab, hover over and select the pencil icon next to your email address.
  3. Select 'Add an Email'
  4. Enter your additional email address and select which email address should be considered your Primary Email Address.
    1. Selecting the "Primary" button next to the email address will tell Propared which email you wish communications sent from you to have in the To: or Reply To: fields of emails. 
  5. Click the save button.

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