Part 2: Contacts: People, Organizations and Locations Training Video (6:04)


In the Navigation Bar, lets click on the Person icon to go to the “Contacts” screen. The Contacts screen is the global address book for your Organization. Any contacts that you or your colleagues import or create in the system will have a home here. These contacts will be used in your projects and if you update any contact information here, it will update across the system no matter how many projects the contact is associated with.

Let’s create a new contact from scratch.

You will notice throughout Propared if you want to create anything new, you will always ‘click on the New Object button in the upper right. This area of Propared is the action Menu, and will show you all of the actions you can do for that screen.

Here you can select the type of contact that you want to create.

Propared has 3 different Contact Types. Person, Organization, & Locations. These are different contact types because we use these resources differently in the program. They are also broken out into three different tabs at the top.

Let’s start with a Person! Maybe someone else who works with you at your company. Let’s add Ryan

Name and email: Ryan Kirk

You will notice that after we input the first name, Propared automatically saved this record for us. Any changes you make in the details panel are automatically saved.

Let’s also add his email address:

Name and Email are the most critical for contacts. Everything else is pretty much optional.

Let’s also take a look at this field called “Default Roles”. This is for describing a job people generally have on projects. Go ahead and pop in the person’s job title. Technical Director After you type the new role, hit enter to add as a tag.

This type of field uses “Tags” instead of regular text. You can add multiple role tags to the same Contact. This tag will be added to your tag list and can be used later. Tags are used in many places in Propared.

When you’re done you can just click outside of the detail sidebar.

If you want to edit a contact you are going to click on the line for that Contact and then simply make the change. Let’s go to my contact and give me a default role. Production Manager.

You’ll see it’s already offering you options for tags you’ve entered.

I can enter a Preferred Name, and Pronouns for this person. Pronouns will be included in various places in the program next to a person’s name.

You can also upload a photo for a Contact and can be included in contact lists, which we’ll look at later.

The next type of contact is the Organization. It is used to represent any company that you work with. Examples might be a vendor or a client’s company. The Helleuey Theatre is also an organization. Organizations are created in the exact same way as People. Feel free to add some.

Locations, however, work slightly differently from People and Organizations. Every location can have a set of related spaces and these spaces are what you will add to your project.

Locations usually are the main place and traditionally have physical addresses like a theatre, warehouse or an arts complex.

So let’s create a Location, Click New Contact and select Location.

Mulligan Arts Center, 1234 Street, Denver Colorado, 80211

For the Location just type the name and address.

You’ll see this section below called Spaces. Spaces are any location within a place that you might want to carve out to either be very specific about where something is happening or to create a schedule based on that location. So a Space might be the main stage, the loading dock, the lobby, rehearsal room one, the hallway, backstage left, etc. We designed Spaces to be very flexible, so you can make them anything you want. You’ll also see that the main location is also a space you can select. This is useful if you don’t quite know yet where something will happen within the location.

Now, let’s create a Space in the Mulligan Arts Center. Click on the Add Space button We’ll do the Main Stage. Main Stage. Let’s also add the Rehearsal hall. Rehearsal Hall

You’ll see that the related Spaces show up in the main table.

Let’s look at a couple of other features in the Contacts screen.

Under the Tab row is the Filter bar. This allows you to filter each screen by a variety of options, such as the default roles or groups. You can also filter by objects that have recently changed, or by any text. Clicking the Reset Filters button will clear the filters.

You can also Group the table by a variety of objects by using the Group By dropdown. Again, clicking reset will ungroup and return the table to the default.

If you accidentally wind up with duplicate contacts you can merge them with this handy little merge tool in the More Menu. To use this you would select the two duplicate contacts by checking the box to the left of the Names and selecting Merge.

You can import and export contacts from this menu as well.

There are two ways to delete contacts. Selecting the checkbox next to the object you want to delete and selecting Delete in the More Menu, or hovering over the row of the object you with to delete and clicking the red trashcan icon that appears. When you delete a contact from the Contacts screen you will remove it from you account entirely. This means that the Contact will no longer appear in Projects and will not be available to any other users who have access to your account.

That’s it for now! In our next video we’ll explore the Projects Screen and how to create new projects.

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