Part 6: Project Teams Training Video (5:58)


Let’s now visit the Team screen.

A team, is a subset of your contacts who are related to a specific show. Each project has it’s own team. Note that these contacts are not Propared users and do not see any information unless you share a Production Book with them.

You’ll notice at the top of the screen the name of the project that you’re on as well as a dropdown where you can switch between your project teams. Note, only one project team can be shown at once here.

Also you’ll see the Project team broken out into the same 3 tabs for the different contact types.

You can add Team Members in 2 ways:

1st, anyone that you’ve added to the Timeline for this Project will automatically appear. That’s why you now see Charles, Jessie and Jose, that we put in the timeline back in our earlier video.

2nd, you can manually add people to a team here. Just click the New Team member button, select person, and add someone. Edwin Pannell

The Team screen gives you some tools to further organize your folks. They are Groups and Roles and they are both types of tags.

Groups are helpful for working with large numbers of Team Members all at once. For example, we could create a group for all our cast members called “Cast”.

Charles Feng

Jessie Schwartz


To see what we can do with groups, let’s head over to the Timeline. Say we want to create a performance and add the whole cast.


Feb 11th

Team Cast

Once you’ve created the Performance and given it a date & time, click into to the Team field and type “Cast”. Note the (2) next to the tag. Propared is telling you that 2 people are about to be added to this Task. Once you save you’ll see all the cast members listed!

Finally, you can also use Groups as a distribution list to email a production Book to large numbers of people all at once.

Let’s return to the Team screen and look at Roles. Roles are nice because they tell you who is doing what on a show. A person can have different roles on every show they’re part of and multiple roles on each show.

You can easily update any Team member with their Role. Since Jose is the Lighting Designer, let’s add it now. Just click on Jose, edit, and pop in the new role!

Add Lighting Designer Role

Roles have another great use though: You can actually establish a role in a project before you even know who is going to fill it. To do this, click the New Team Member button again. This time though, instead of entering a name, click on the Role field and add a new role. Let’s add the Light Board Operator.

You’ll see the new Role appear at the top of the list with “a Team Member ID” instead of a name. We use Team Member ID’s because sometimes you have multiple roles without assigned people and the ID helps you tell them apart. Think of them as unassigned.

Once added, you can now schedule the Light Board Op in your timeline! Let’s head over there now and add the Light Board Op to the performance we just created.

Light Board Operator

Time passes and you’ve now hired your board op, Lee Westy. To add them, head back into the team screen, select the Light Board Op row and add Lee. Now Lee will appear anywhere in the timeline where the Light Board Op had been added.

This feature is also great for swapping out Team members mid-show if you have to replace someone.

We have also added the ability to add Team Members to a Project directly from the Contacts Screen. This is helpful if you already have a Project Created and want to add a number of people all at once. To do this I would go to the Contacts Screen, select the contacts you want to add and in the More Menu go to Add to Project Teams. Then select one of more projects to add them all to.

So finally, we have out team built out, and now it’s time to share this information with people. We can do this through the Production Books screen. Lets go there and select the Production Book Full-schedule. We can navigate to the Team page and enable it. The Production Book Team Page pulls from the People and Organizations tabs of the Team. Next we can decide which members we want to include here. We do this by using the groups. If I leave this just as it is, All Groups, it will include everyone in the Team screen for the lion Queen. I can also select a smaller subset by selecting just one such as the Cast, if I was making a cast list.

Next I can choose to exclude certain columns for example, if I didn’t want to include phone number or email addresses, but I did want to include roles. If I include the Photos column, then any contacts that have photos associated with them in the Contacts screen will show up here as well.

Locations has it’s own page which we can also enable and works just like the Team Page. Let’s leave it on all Project Locations and view the updated Webpage.


You’ll see that there are now 2 new tabs in the Production book. Locations and Team.

Finally, you can filter, and Group By things just as you can in the other screens.

How did we do?

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