All About Access: Granting and Removing Access in Propared

All About Access in Propared

Only people that need to edit information in Propared, generate reports, send out schedules, etc. will need access.  

You can grant two types of access:

Administrator (Admin)

An Administrator can see and edit all Projects, create new Projects and assign Project Managers access. They cannot make other users Administrators or access the Subscription/Billings Screen.

Project Manager (PM)

A Project Manager can only see or edit Projects to which they’ve been assigned. PMs can view the entire Contacts list in the Portfolio to which the Project belongs. They can see and edit all existing entries in the Contacts list, but they cannot see the notes fields for Contacts, nor can they delete any Contacts (including ones they’ve added).


Granting Access to an Administrator

Only Owners of the Portfolio can grant (or remove) Administrator Access
  1. Click on the Settings Screen in the main left Navigation Bar
  2. Go to the Access Tab
  3. Select 'New User'
  4. Type in the name of the person from your Contacts you wish to give access to.
  5. If the User you select does not have a valid email address in the Contacts, you will be prompted to enter one.*
  6. If the User you want is not in the Contacts, you can also add a new person.
  7. Select 'Administrator'
  8. Click 'Save'
* NOTE: All Users must have a valid email address in the system.


Granting Access to a Project Manager

Only Owners or Administrators can grant (or remove) Project Manager Access

  1. Click on the Settings Screen in the main left Navigation Bar
  2. Go to the Access Tab
  3. Select 'New User'
  4. Type in the name of the person from your Contacts you wish to give access to.
  5. If the User you select does not have a valid email address in the Contacts, you will be prompted to enter one.*
  6. If the User you want is not in the Contacts, you can also add a new person.
  7. Select 'Project Manager' Access type
  8. Select the project or projects to provide access to.
  9. Click 'Save'
* NOTE: All Users must have a valid email address in the system.


Removing Access to an Administrator or a Project Manager

Removing Access immediately revokes access to the portfolio or project but will not delete a users Contact record.
  1. Click on the Settings Screen in the main left Navigation Bar
  2. Select 'Access'
  3. Select the checkbox next to the Admin or PM you wish to remove.
  4. Select the Remove User button in the action menu
  5. Click the 'Yes, remove access' button


How a Newly Added Project Manager or Administrator Can Accept Access

  1. Check you email (Make sure to check your spam or junk folders!)
  2. Click on the link
  3. Enter in credentials, making sure to use the same Email Address used to send the link.
  4. Log in!
If you have not received an email, reach out to the granting user to ensure they have the correct email information.
If you already have a Propared account, you can login and add any new email addresses to your personal profile to gain access to new projects.

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