Embedding a Propared Webpage in your website

Yes, you can embed a Propared webpage in your website. It will take a tiny bit of code, and we have provided you an example you can use. Note: this may not work for every website model out there.

  1. Copy the URL for the Production Book you wish to embed.
  2. Add the following code to your website:
    1. <iframe src="Enter Propared URL HERE" width="100%" height="500">
        <p>You can add some text here if you wish</p>
  3. Update the highlighted text:
    1. Paste in the Production Book URL between the "" where it states enter propared url here
    2. Add some additional text or delete the text between the <p>
  4. Adjust the width and height to desired sizes.
When embedded, the webpage will continue to update when the page is refreshed.

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