First Stop for Troubleshooting

If the Propared Web App is acting weird, not loading at all, or giving you an error page, here are some good first steps.

Is the Propared App Down Right Now?

We recommend checking this website: Is It Down Or Is It Just Me?

Self Troubleshooting Guide

Hiccups occasionally occur for a variety of reasons. However, almost all issues can be quickly resolved by following these standard steps:  

  1. Refresh the browser page.
  2. Relaunch (quit, re-open) your web browser.
  3. Clear your web browser history/cache (see below).
  4. Try another browser.
  5. Check to ensure your internet is working properly for other web pages.
  6. Restart your computer.

If you are still experiencing issues, reach out to us via the chat!

How to Clear Browser Cache/History

*--We do not recommend using Internet Explorer

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