How to Delete a Project

How to Delete a Project in Propared

Deleting a Project in Propared has some far reaching implications. If you Delete a project it will delete the Timeline, Team and Production Books associated with that Project.

We recommend Archiving Projects rather than deleting Projects if you think you will want to access them at a future date.

You can however Delete a project, but first you much archive it.

How to Archive a Project

  1. Navigate to the Projects Screen in the main lefthand navigation.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the Project you wish to archive
  3. Select the button in the top Action Menu 'Archive'
  4. The Project will be moved to the Archives tab at the top of the page.
  5. You can unarchive the project at any point by following the same steps on the Archives Tab to "unarchive"

How to Delete a Project

  1. Navigate to the Archived project (A project MUST be archived in order to Delete it)
  2. Select the checkbox next to the Archived Project you wish to Delete.
  3. Select the 'More' Menu in the top Action Menu and then select 'Delete'
  4. Confirm, and your project will be deleted.

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