Replacing or Swapping People in your Project Team
Replacing or Swapping People, Organizations or Locations in your Team
If you need to swapping someone out of a role mid project, change to an entirely new location, or go to a new vendor organization, there is an easy way to do this in Propared without having to start over.
- Navigate to the Team Screen and go into the Tab that matches who/where you want to swap out
- Select the row of the Team Member you want swap out.
- In the Name field, simply select a new Person, Organization or Location!
- The new person will show up everywhere the previous person was. Same with the Organization or Location!
Adding a Person to a Role
Propared lets you add a Role to a Project Team before you who know who will fill it. Once you know who will fill the role simply add them to the record! Follow the same steps as above!